Chiropractic Treatment
The Foundation will pay $20 per visit for a maximum of five visits. You are responsible for a $15 co-payment at the time of treatment. Chiropractic service is available on a first come first served basis Wednesdays and Fridays.
Day Care Assistance
$40 a week per child will be allotted to eligible applicants.
A copy of the provider’s license must be presented to the HBPA before any payments are made.
Emergency Treatment
Emergency treatment, including ambulance service if needed, is covered up to 100% for the first $500 and 80% on the remaining balance, (up to a maximum of $1,000 and a total limit of $1,500). **The total medical assistance for both emergency and non-emergency treatment will not exceed $2,500 per year.
Non-Emergency Treatment
The Foundation covers clinic treatment up to $150 per visit (after a $50 per visit co-pay is made), for a season maximum of $500 per person. Appointments must be made through the HBPA office and the proper forms completed before payment will be made. All payments must also be approved by the Benevolence Committee.
Optical Services
The Foundation will reimburse you 80% of the cost for an eye examination, glasses or contact lenses up to a maximum of $100. After completion of the required forms and presentation of your receipt to the HBPA you will be reimbursed.
We recommend that prescriptions be filled at Wal-Mart. You will be reimbursed for payments over $10 when you present a receipt to the HBPA office. There is a maximum reimbursement of $50.